Looking for Kodak Easyshare Z1015IS 10 MP Digital Camera with 15xOptical Image Stabilized Zoom

Looking for Kodak Easyshare Z1015IS 10 MP Digital Camera with 15xOptical Image Stabilized Zoom

Kodak Easyshare Z1015IS 10 MP Digital Camera with 15xOptical Image Stabilized Zoom

Yes here is the right place for Order Kodak Easyshare Z1015IS 10 MP Digital Camera with 15xOptical Image Stabilized Zoom online Store. Check lowest price today it's won't be long.

Kodak Easyshare Z1015IS 10 MP Digital Camera with 15xOptical Image Stabilized Zoom

Kodak Easyshare Z1015IS 10 MP Digital Camera with 15xOptical Image Stabilized Zoom Feature Product

  • 10-megapixel resolution for stunning prints up to 30 x 40 inches
  • 15x optical zoom with 28mm Schneider-Kreuznach Variogon wide-angle lens; HD still capture and HD video
  • 3.0-inch indoor/outdoor color LCD; advanced settings include program, aperture and shutter priority, as well as full manual mode (PASM)
  • Innovative smart capture feature automatically adjusts settings for a great picture in just about any environment
  • Compatible with SD/SDHC memory cards (not included)

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Kodak Easyshare Z1015IS 10 MP Digital Camera with 15xOptical Image Stabilized Zoom

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